Why choose airbrush makeup for your special day?

  • December 11, 2021

With airbrush makeup gaining popularity day by day, you might be wondering if it’s worth spending the extra bucks to get an airbrush makeup on your special day. In the Airbrush makeup technique, a tiny mist of foundation is sprayed for a consistent, even application with lightweight coverage that hides flaws. Airbrush makeup has a longer wear time. It’s an ultra-fine concentrated mist that seeps into the skin rather than lying on top of it, ensuring long-term effectiveness. Overall, it feels feather-light on the skin while yet being resistant to heat, humidity, tears, and sweat. Investing in high-quality silicone-based airbrush makeup products for your wedding day will ensure that your makeup would stay in place throughout the day. On top of this, airbrush makeup is so light on the skin that it doesn’t feel like you’re wearing anything.


The best thing about airbrush makeup is that you don’t have to worry about makeup meltdown on your wedding day. Once airbrush makeup sets on your skin, it stays there until you want to wash your face off with soap and water. Makeup would stay in place even if you cry, sweat, or it rains, pat your face to remove the moisture. When compared to traditional bridal makeup, airbrush makeup often lasts 6 to 10 hours longer.


Airbrush makeup is best suited for brides who like a more natural bridal makeup finish. It’s also good for mature skin because it doesn’t seem as cakey as conventional makeup. Some of the brides find the lightweight finish of airbrush makeup as a plus point, but airbrush makeup may not provide enough coverage for brides who are used to wearing full-coverage foundation every day or who want that high-glam appearance on their wedding day. As the long-lasting airbrush makeup sets fast, it’s more difficult to touch up the makeup once it’s been applied. And if you’re having dry or flaky skin, it’s advisable to not opt for airbrush makeup since the fine mist might stick to dry patches on the face.


Airbrush makeup has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Airbrush makeup has its own set of disadvantages, as each bride has his or her own tastes. In the end, the decision between airbrush and traditional makeup comes down to personal preferences and requirements. If you are stuck between choosing traditional makeup and airbrush makeup, take a look at the pros and cons of airbrush makeup to finalize your decision.


Pro: Airbrush makeup is long-lasting.

You will not want to lose time on your wedding day touching up your foundation because your makeup has faded. One of the biggest benefits of airbrush makeup is how well it works. Most airbrush makeup is silicone-based, which means it lasts longer and is more water-resistant than traditional makeup. As a result, it will withstand all of the mess that will undoubtedly occur on your wedding day.


Con: It has the potential to be flaky.

On moisturized, hydrated skin, airbrush makeup looks fantastic. But if your skin is really dry, the spray-on product can cause flakes.

The perfect finish of airbrush makeup is well-known.

The Airbrush technique allows for an even application of makeup giving an extremely flawless finish. The plus side is that it’s ideal for the thousands of pictures you’ll be taking during the day.


Con: Re-blending can be difficult.

It’s bad news for brides who are inclined to cry.  If you cry and your makeup streaks, it’s impossible to cover them up with more airbrushing or even conventional makeup, making it far more difficult to re-create your beautiful look. This should not be an issue if airbrush makeup is applied correctly and completely dried.


Pro: When it comes to airbrush makeup, a little really does go a long way.

Airbrush is a good option if you don’t want to look like you’re wearing a thick layer of foundation. Because of the spray application procedure, airbrush makeup uses less product and provides more coverage.


Con: Your shade selection is somewhat limited.

The absence of shade ranges is one of the negatives of this particular makeup technique. The foundation mix used with an airbrush is different from a regular foundation, and there is a smaller range of hues and brands to pick from. You could find that a traditional foundation complements your skin better.