Amazing benefits of Aloe vera for your skin

  • December 11, 2021

Aloe vera is a miracle plant with innumerable health, beauty, therapeutic, and skincare benefits. Aloe vera can be used in the treatment of a range of skin issues in used in the right way. This super plant not only relieves sunburns but also aids in the treatment of a variety of skin ailments and has amazing beauty benefits on the skin. Aloe Vera gel, a clear gel-like fluid found inside the plant’s leaves, comprises 75 potentially active ingredients, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals, carbohydrates, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. According to research, the presence of Vitamin A and E in Aloe Vera gel makes it an excellent addition to your skincare routine. Let’s look at some of the miraculous benefits of aloe vera for your skin. Be it oily, dry, or sensitive skin, aloe vera does its magic on every skin type and may eliminate practically all of your skin problems.


1. It Relieves Sunburn

Did you know that Aloe Vera is also known as the “burn plant” because of its ability to soothe sunburns? Yes, Aloe Vera includes polysaccharides, which aids in skin restoration and the formation of new skin cells. It promotes collagen production and release, and it can help speed up the healing process. Aloe Vera is widely considered an effective treatment for burns, wounds, and other injuries. It also includes carboxypeptidase, a pain-relieving chemical that gives us the soothing sensation we get when we apply Aloe Vera to our skin. Aloin, the compound responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera gel can aid in the healing of first to second-degree burns, such as light to moderate sunburns.


2. It hydrates the skin.

Because Aloe Vera is primarily water (95 percent), it hydrates the skin effectively. Aloe Vera not only locks moisture into the skin but also acts as a glue, causing the top layer of skin cells to stick together, resulting in smoother, softer skin. Aloe Vera is a good option if you’re looking for a mild moisturizer for the dry winter months or summers. Aloe Vera has been proven to be an effective moisturizer for both sensitive and oily skin types.


3. It Assists in relieving Skin Irritation

Aloe Vera is an excellent remedy for people with sensitive skin. The cooling properties of aloe vera aid in the treatment of redness, infections, rashes, and itching. Aloe Vera has antifungal properties that aid in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions such as cysts and heat boils in the summer. Aloe vera is definitely a must-have for summer skincare.

However, before treating the inflammatory skin, make sure you do a tiny patch test, as aloe vera might be allergic to some people.


4. It Purifies the Skin.

Did you know that Aloe Vera can help you clean and purify your skin after a long day? That means it can help you with sunburns, acne scars, dark spots, and the build-up caused by pollution and dirt. Isn’t it incredible? Aloe vera gel hydrates deeply while also reducing flaking, redness, and tightness. It’s ideal for cleaning sensitive skin because it contains skin-calming and cleansing natural compounds.


5. Reverses the signs of aging on the skin

Vitamin C and E, as well as beta-carotene, are abundantly found in aloe vera gel. As a result, it possesses anti-aging properties. In addition to this, aloe vera also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


6. It Exfoliates the Skin Slightly

Aloe Vera gel contains salicylic acid, which acts as an exfoliant by gently sloughing off dead skin cells. Lignin found in aloe vera gel helps other compounds penetrate deeper into the skin.

Now that you know the amazing benefits of Aloe Vera, the next step is to figure out how to include it in your skincare routine. Let’s take a look at how we can use Aloe Vera on face to achieve the perfect, smooth skin you’ve always wanted.


What is the best way to use aloe vera for skin?


1. Olive oil and aloe vera gel

Combine aloe vera gel, olive oil, and oatmeal in a mixing dish until paste forms. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off with cold water.


2. Aloe vera leaf alone

Scrape the gel out of the aloe leaf by peeling off the outer covering. Scoop out all of the gel and rub it into your face gently. Refrigerate the remaining ingredients. The gel’s water content will keep your skin hydrated.


3. Lemon juice and aloe vera gel

Take some aloe vera gel and mix it with lemon juice. Apply the solution to your face and let it on for the night. It should be washed away with lukewarm water in the morning.