How to Get Rid of Tanned skin

  • December 11, 2021

Tan results as our body’s attempt to shield itself from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Exposure to UV rays causes your skin to release melanin beneath the superficial layers of your skin for better absorption of UV radiation. This Melanin pigment causes the skin to darken and form tan. The more UV radiation from the sun you are exposed to, the more melanin your body produces, and much damage it causes to your skin. Not just tanning, sun exposure also causes other issues such as dark patches and hyperpigmentation. In addition to that, UV radiation also depletes the skin’s moisture content, making it appear pale and dull. Here are some tips to get rid of unwanted sun damage:


  1. Sunscreen

As obvious as it is, if you don’t want sun damage on your skin, take proper measures to avoid tan in the first place. With adequate sun protection, you can protect your skin and avoid unwanted tanning. When outside, always wear a hat, sun-protective gear, and sunscreen. Using sunscreen every day and reapplying it every two hours is necessary to protect your skin from potential sun damage.


  1. Homemade Face Pack with Turmeric and Bengal Gram

This age-old recipe for removing tan from the face and skin is popular among Indians. To make the face pack, combine a tablespoon of Bengal gram powder, a teaspoon of turmeric, some lemon juice, and curd to make a thick paste. Apply to the face and neck, leave for half an hour, then rinse. All of the ingredients of this homemade face pack are natural and have great anti-tanning properties.


  1. Papaya and Honey Mask

Papaya is a magic fruit when it comes to detaining. The magic of papaya together with the nourishing properties of honey makes a good combination to bring back the lost glow of your face. Papaya contains papain enzyme, which is known to lighten the skin while honey helps to keep the skin supple. Mash a handful of papaya and mix it well with a teaspoon of honey and apply it to the face. Leave it on for 20 min and wash it off with lukewarm water.


  1. Milk and Saffron Face mask

Saffron has skin-soothing and skin-lightening effects, making it an efficient tan-removal agent. It includes bioactive ingredients that protect skin from UV radiation, reversing tan effects. Soak a few strands of saffron in milk/cream for two hours, then filter and apply on the tanned area. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.


  1. Facemask with Buttermilk and Oatmeal

Buttermilk, which is high in lactic acid, eliminates tan and enhances skin tone, while oatmeal exfoliates well. 2 teaspoons of oats or oatmeal, soaked in 1/2 cups of water for 5 minutes Toss in a couple of tablespoons of butter. Mix them thoroughly until it forms a paste. It should be applied to the tanned areas, keep it on for 20mins and wash it with lukewarm water.


  1. Exfoliation

Exfoliating gently with a homemade or store-bought scrub can help lighten your skin’s tone by eliminating dead skin cells from the surface. Keep in mind that dead skin cells can form a barrier to help protect against the sun.  Hence it is important to stay out of the sun once you’ve exfoliated as you don’t have the dead skin cell protection after exfoliation.   You’re more prone to sunburn, tanning, and skin damage once you take them off.


  1. Aloe Vera gel

The juice of aloe vera leaves soothes and cures the skin. It also has a calming effect and relieves sunburns and tanning. Using a spoon or a knife, slit the aloe vera plant’s leaf and scoop off the aloe vera gel. Apply the aloe vera gel thoroughly on the tanned areas. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes. Let the aloe do its magic.


The ideal option to minimize suntanning is to shield your skin from UV rays. Shielding your skin against the harmful UV rays is essential to maintain healthy and glowing skin. Protect the skin with adequate amounts of sunscreen and use hats and shades. While home remedies generally don’t have any side effects, you don’t need to take any risk. Before using the masks on your face, do a spot test to see if they cause any allergic reaction on your skin.  Always remember, time is the best remedy, no matter what method you try. A tan fades as sunburned or tanned skin cells are naturally removed and replaced with fresh, untanned skin cells.